natural world

Meaning and Purpose will Shape our Future

Meaning and Purpose will shape our Future. There is so much wrong with the way that people behave on earth that it is easy to consider us a misfit species or children of an ill-intentioned god. Some say that we are probably not of this earth, alien, and that we do not belong here, that […]


Digital Detox, Children, Parents and Schools

In her report called ‘The Impact on Mental Health of Children and Young People During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic’ published in July 2021, Sarah Foster, a UK based play and creative art therapist, emphasises that “Those concerned with the over-use of screens and its effects on children’s brain development, mental health and coping abilities […]


Mature Trees are much more than just wood

We have a deep bond with mature trees, as with the entirety of the natural world. We have been led to believe that we are separate and different in fundamental ways and that we are alone as we are so superior. What a relief it is to understand that such a view of humanity could […]