
Mandala Principle: Biosphere, Humanity & the Web of Life

Humans have been messing with the mandala of life on Earth. We are tearing away at the entire web of interdependent relationships. The accelerated extinction of species and degradation of Earth’s life support system is glaring evidence of the intricate interdependence of all life on Earth.


Species: How Do They Become Extinct

A species becomes extinct when all the individuals in every existing population on Earth die. When this happens that species is gone forever. We have already exterminated or severely degraded substantially more than half of the populations of all species and their wild habitats. It starts with the arrival of people on the scene.


In nature we are not alone

We are not alone in nature – We are singlehandedly driving the sixth mass extinction of life on Earth, exterminating nature both on land and in the oceans. We say that we believe in compassionate and wise Gods and yet day-in-day-out we slave for the god of economic growth, overexploiting the Earth’s resources and bringing the end of days closer and closer to our grandchildren’s future.


Wild habitat – people who destroy it are amoral, not evil

It is difficult to estimate the time to extinction of a species or a population. This is partly due to a time lag between degradation of a wild habitat to the point that it no longer supports a species and the actual death of the last member of that species.