Who Am I

I am David Marinelli. I research the origin, meaning, purpose and destination of life. I also have a keen interest in ecology, wilderness as social order, biodiversity, wilding, wild habitat degradation and extinction of species.


We are the expression of a good God and are beholden to a higher moral order.

“…and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8: 31-32).


Think of the rain and the sea that provide the water you drink
Think of the air you breath provided by the oceans and trees
Think of the food you eat that one way or another comes from the soil and its nutrients
Think of the place you live in that is made from rock and ores from Earth’s crust
Think of the ground you are standing on, that is Earth’s crust
Think of all the species we share this Earth with and the common parents we shared with them hundreds of millions of years ago, and without which your biological body would not be standing here today
Think of this oasis of life, Earth in a solar system, afloat in a galaxy with 11 million suns, one is ours, amongst countless galaxies in the universe, our only home, made friendly and hospitable for us by nature

We owe a debt of gratitude and allegiance to the natural world


Believing is the Bedrock of Choice

Believing is like opening a door. Once one opens the door to allow what is on the other side into one’s life, then, that gradually becomes one’s experience of life, for better or for worse.

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The Power of Meaning

This is a story about the power of meaning. Life is a spiritual journey and it has continuity. It is but one stage in our travels from unity to multiplicity and back, from that which is whole to that which fragments. We lose our way before we rediscover how to get back home. Life is […]

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Bad choices and the freedom to choose

Bad things happen, or you may like to say evil arises, when we or others make bad choices. The effect of bad choices are felt by many as we are all part of one creation. It is clear that badness arises way down the line and is subsidiary to the love and goodness of that […]

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