Oceans & Forests

Mature Trees are much more than just wood

We have a deep bond with mature trees, as with the entirety of the natural world. We have been led to believe that we are separate and different in fundamental ways and that we are alone as we are so superior. What a relief it is to understand that such a view of humanity could […]


Dead Zones in the Oceans, Seas, Lakes and Rivers

Dead zones are exactly that, deadly. They are oxygen-deprived or hypoxic bodies of water. Not much survives in these oceanic deserts as, not surprisingly, marine life needs a constant intake of oxygen to live. Large swaths of ocean habitats that would otherwise be teeming with life become biological wastelands.


Overfishing in European Waters is a Problem

European policymakers failed to meet their own targets and deadlines on sustainable fishing, under pressure from their national fishing fleets. They have failed to honour their promises. By 2020, all quotas were meant to be based on a maximum sustainable yield meaning that the most fish that can be caught without damaging the ability of the species to reproduce and replenish its numbers.


Ecosystems Planetary Emergency – Warming Oceans

Planetary Emergency – Ocean Warming – The global ocean has warmed up more and more, year on year, in the last 50 years. Since 1993, the rate of ocean warming has more than doubled. Marine heatwaves have also doubled in frequency since 1982 and are getting hotter. We have polluted and changed the chemistry and temperature of the world’s oceans. This has caused severe stress to marine ecosystems and life.


Forest Ecosystems, NOT Technology, is what we need

It is commonplace when talking about sustainability to claim that technological innovation can save the world from our actions. I do not believe that at all. Our over dependence on technology has enslaved us and is destroying forest ecosystems and the Earth’s ability to support that which all species need to survive. Technology takes us further and further away from nature. Nature is our home.


Trees, Nature’s Solution to Combat Global Warming

‘The restoration of trees remains among the most effective strategies for climate change mitigation.’ This is the opening line of a report called ‘The Global Tree Restoration Potential’ published in July this year in the Science journal. The study measures the cover of the forest canopy rather than the area of …


Forest: Nature is Speaking, Shailene Woodley is Forest

One third of the Earth’s surface is covered by forest. Forests are symbolized by the colour green. There are many reasons why forests are an important feature for the environment and in our daily lives. They are fundamental life forms and provide for the continuity of the world’s biodiversity.


Plants Extinction – Sleepwalking Towards Catastrophe

Any proper understanding of the current extinction crisis must include plants. Species on Earth exist in a symbiotic relationship. Extinction causes go across biological kingdoms. Plant extinctions cause insect extinctions that in turn cause amphibian and bird extinctions that feed into the extinction rates of mammals.


Forests are the Conveniently Forgotten Solution

Forests are the forgotten solution to Climate Change. Large forests are capable of sucking up huge amounts of carbon. Forests like those still found in the Amazon, the largest forested region on the planet, act like a sink to remove emissions from the atmosphere. Global Forest Watch monitors …


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