
Brotherhood of Earth Beings – We Are All Connected

Brotherhood of Earth Beings – We Are All Connected: In the beginning the biblical God created the heaven and the earth (Genesis 1.1). He then spent the next four days creating the firmament, day and night, the seasons, the sun and moon, the land and seas, the grasses, herbs and trees and the fowl, fish […]


Mycorrhizal Fungi, How Plants Communicate

Next time you are walking in a forest, woodland or just open countryside on undisturbed fertile ground consider that there is more activity and biodiversity below the ground than what you can see above it. Amongst the vibrant range of lifeforms is a mostly microscopic network of fungi. Fungi are a distinct kingdom from plants. […]


Soils and Life Beneath the Ground

There is more life beneath the ground than you know. Healthy soils contain a vibrant range of life forms such as protozoa, nematodes, mites, springtails, spiders, insects, bacteria, fungi, earthworms and numerous burrowing animals. This rich biodiversity plays a vital role in mitigating climate change, neutralising pests, purifying and storing water, providing antibiotics and preventing […]


Change is coming – catastrophic collapse of ecosystems

Change is coming whether we like it or not. People have plundered the Earth’s web of life for many hundreds of years to satisfy their greed. We are living in a moral vacuum, only believing in our own manipulations and no longer perceive the reality of what it means to be human on this Earth. […]


Indigenous people, our guides to the future

Indigenous people are communities that have lived in a region for many hundreds or thousands of years prior to colonisation. Typically they have strong links to the surrounding natural habitats, wildlife and ecosystems. They would also have distinct languages, cultures, beliefs and knowledge systems and be resolved to protect their identity and their social, economic […]


Poverty eradication and environmental degradation

The eradication of poverty has been on the international agenda for many decades and yet, although some progress has been made, the problem persists with the gap between the world’s rich and poor widening at an alarming rate. The UN Development and Environment Programmes jointly launched the Poverty-Environment Initiative in 2005 to help countries integrate […]


Life not for Sale: Pricing Life for Economic Growth

Life is not a commodity. A number of reports by the UN, Greenpeace International and the WWF refer to humanity’s exploitation of the natural world as ‘ecosystem services’ and to the living elements that make up these ecosystems as ‘resources’. These reports still speak of sustainable economic growth which remains a contradiction in terms. Perpetual […]


Marine Life and Ecosystems in Critical Danger of Collapse

The seas, oceans, lakes, wetlands and rivers and the animals and plants they sustain are under severe stress from overfishing, atmospheric pollution, contaminants pollution, coastal development, invasive species and climate change. Many marine ecosystems are floundering. Others are collapsing. People are causing devastation to the marine life support systems vital for our survival. The WWF […]


Living Planet Report 2020: Nature is Unravelling

“There is unequivocal evidence that nature is unravelling. Humanity’s destruction of nature is having catastrophic impacts not only on wildlife populations but also on human health and all aspects of our lives. A deep cultural and systemic shift is urgently needed, a transition to a society and economic system that values nature. We must rebalance […]