
Nature’s Cathedral is Where I Worship God

Worshipping in Nature’s Cathedral: Before the beginning all was void. The creative force that formed nature over billions of years of evolutionary time is the God we worship. According to our understanding, the laws of physics started to operate following the big bang, expanding the universe through space and over time to become the galactic […]


Digital Detox, Children, Parents and Schools

In her report called ‘The Impact on Mental Health of Children and Young People During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic’ published in July 2021, Sarah Foster, a UK based play and creative art therapist, emphasises that “Those concerned with the over-use of screens and its effects on children’s brain development, mental health and coping abilities […]


Natural Environment Promotes Wellbeing & Good Health

A growing body of research of over one thousand studies points to the beneficial effects that a pristine natural environment has on human health and quality of life. Being in nature is just so good for us. When we enter nature we should go quietly, with humility and respect, understanding that we have everything to learn and little, if anything at all, to teach.


Electricity Existing in Nature is Essential for Life

Humans did not invent what we call electricity. Electrons have moved from atom to atom in nature for an eternity before archaic humans started walking on two legs some hundreds of thousands of years ago. What we have done as modern humans is understand that the flow of electrons creates an energy that made things move. We then recklessly exploited this characteristic to become the first species to singlehandedly bring about a mass extinction of life on Earth.


In nature we are not alone

We are not alone in nature – We are singlehandedly driving the sixth mass extinction of life on Earth, exterminating nature both on land and in the oceans. We say that we believe in compassionate and wise Gods and yet day-in-day-out we slave for the god of economic growth, overexploiting the Earth’s resources and bringing the end of days closer and closer to our grandchildren’s future.


Forest Ecosystems, NOT Technology, is what we need

It is commonplace when talking about sustainability to claim that technological innovation can save the world from our actions. I do not believe that at all. Our over dependence on technology has enslaved us and is destroying forest ecosystems and the Earth’s ability to support that which all species need to survive. Technology takes us further and further away from nature. Nature is our home.


Trees, Nature’s Solution to Combat Global Warming

‘The restoration of trees remains among the most effective strategies for climate change mitigation.’ This is the opening line of a report called ‘The Global Tree Restoration Potential’ published in July this year in the Science journal. The study measures the cover of the forest canopy rather than the area of …


Plants Extinction – Sleepwalking Towards Catastrophe

Any proper understanding of the current extinction crisis must include plants. Species on Earth exist in a symbiotic relationship. Extinction causes go across biological kingdoms. Plant extinctions cause insect extinctions that in turn cause amphibian and bird extinctions that feed into the extinction rates of mammals.


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