
Indigenous people, our guides to the future

Indigenous people are communities that have lived in a region for many hundreds or thousands of years prior to colonisation. Typically they have strong links to the surrounding natural habitats, wildlife and ecosystems. They would also have distinct languages, cultures, beliefs and knowledge systems and be resolved to protect their identity and their social, economic […]


Meat Eating is Driving the Extinction of Life on Earth

Crops that would otherwise feed billions of people are fed to industrially reared animals that we then consume as meat or for their skin or fur. Every day wild habitats are being converted to make way for more industrial agriculture to feed livestock to satisfy our carnivorous appetite, but not only.


Wildlife and Ecosystems in Crisis – The Earth Needs You Now

People have killed 60% of all animals on Earth since 1970 and burnt or cut down half the forests on the planet in the last 100 years. It is predicted that by 2050 there will no longer be any viable fish populations in the seas and oceans. The warming of the atmosphere and oceans, caused by toxic greenhouse gas emissions, has reached such high levels that unless we stop burning fossil fuels by 2030 it is certain that future generations will have to face irreversible extreme weather conditions as well as unprecedented scorching heat, freezing cold, drought, flooding and cyclones.


2018 Living Planet Report – The End of Civilisation

The recently published World Wildlife Fund 2018 Living Planet Report reveals that we have killed 60% of all wildlife in the last 40 years. I would remind readers that as recently as 200,000 years ago we would have considered our ancestors wildlife by any of today’s definitions.


Sea Shepherd – Meet Nature’s Delta Force

Sea Shepherd, Nature’s Delta Force. “Mission – To defend, conserve and protect our oceans.” Sea Shepherd is an international, non-profit marine conservation organization that engages in direct action campaigns to defend wildlife, and conserve and protect the world’s oceans.