Brotherhood of Earth Beings – We Are All Connected: In the beginning the biblical God created the heaven and the earth (Genesis 1.1). He then spent the next four days creating the firmament, day and night, the seasons, the sun and moon, the land and seas, the grasses, herbs and trees and the fowl, fish and beasts. He gave life to all these creations and also the ability to reproduce. On the sixth day “God created man in his own image; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them. Be fruitful, and multiply and replenish the Earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the Earth.” (Genesis 1.27-28).
Brotherhood of Earth Beings – ‘We Are All Connected’ by Anne Seims
This so narrated creation project was going brilliantly until the sixth day. The problem I have with the biblical God’s work on the sixth day is that he gave man dominion over all earthly creations and the moral right to subdue them for his gain. This does not sit right. I cannot really understand this license to exploit and destroy granted to humans. This endorsement of humans as the privileged species is really not working out very well for the biblical God or man and is working even less well for the grasses, the herbs and the trees and the fish, the fowl and the beasts.
Now, although a failed divine plan may only cause some embarrassment in the biblical heavenly realm, this is a serious matter for us, earthly creatures.
Over the millennia extraordinary, enlightened beings have manifested on earth to spread a message among humans of compassion, wisdom and the oneness of creation. Following their passing, their message was invariably captured and used for unintended purposes.
As a result of this historic and continued human manipulation of teachings and scriptures we now find ourselves in the predicament of having universally adopted a concept of God that is defined in the image of man. This is circular thinking and blocks any form of understanding. In the spirit of poet and writer Leonard Cohen’s call to “ring the bells that still can ring, forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in”, I will put a wedge in a couple of these cracks and let some light in.
For a couple of centuries and at an increasingly accelerated rate since the start of the large-scale industrialisation, we have been placing greater reliance on technology. By so doing we continue to relinquish more of our natural human attributes and skills than is safe or even healthy for us to do. Technology also includes the pharmaceutical industry. The popular belief that Big Pharma is just the industrialisation of nature’s remedies is not quite right. An alarming portion of technology is unnecessary and not based on good or even safe science.
Brotherhood of Earth Beings – We Are All Connected
Moreover, the ability to do something does not of itself imply that it should be done. The spin promoting technology is that it is better for us to do less and let technology do more so that we can have more time to do something else. The ‘something else’ appears to be to indulge in more addictive technologies, such as the internet of things or 5G. We should ask, at what cost, for what purpose and for whose gain.
It is too easy to lay the blame for our dysfunctional societies at the feet of the global industrial complex or the political elite, as the perpetrators and facilitators of harm. We also carry blame as we should not follow blindly.
Before creation there was ‘no thing’, just God. What unfolded following God’s big bang, 14 billion years ago, must of necessity be sacred as it is not possible for it to be other than an expression of God. We are all connected to each other and to all creation within this divine creative outpouring. We are connected in families, in communities, in societies, in nations, in earthly brotherhood, and importantly, in nature.
We have always been, and will always remain, connected and we should use our God-given senses, not technology, to realise this timeless truth.
This article was published in the Senior Times of the Times of Malta on the 17th December 2022
Brotherhood of Earth Beings – We Are All Connected
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