Living Planet Report 2020: Nature is Unravelling

“There is unequivocal evidence that nature is unravelling. Humanity’s destruction of nature is having catastrophic impacts not only on wildlife populations but also on human health and all aspects of our lives. A deep cultural and systemic shift is urgently needed, a transition to a society and economic system that values nature. We must rebalance […]


Biodiversity Emergency – Planet Earth is Broken

Biodiversity emergency. This is a moment of truth for people and planet alike. COVID and climate have brought us to a threshold. We cannot go back to the old normal of inequality, injustice and heedless dominion over the Earth.


Planet Earth is Broken, Natural World Collapsing

“We are facing a devastating pandemic, new heights of global heating, new lows of ecological degradation and new setbacks in our work towards global goals for more equitable, inclusive and sustainable development.
To put it simply, the state of planet Earth is broken.”


Meat Eating is Driving the Extinction of Life on Earth

Crops that would otherwise feed billions of people are fed to industrially reared animals that we then consume as meat or for their skin or fur. Every day wild habitats are being converted to make way for more industrial agriculture to feed livestock to satisfy our carnivorous appetite, but not only.


Plastic Garbage: Wake Up and Smell the Oil

The investigation revealed that the industry’s and policymakers’ claims that plastic garbage is valuable because it can be cleaned, separated and recycled were, and still are, lies. Plastic waste is not valuable and it never has been and the industry has known this all along, at least since the early 1970s. Of all plastic produced less than 10 percent has ever been recycled.


Plastic Problem – Plastic is Everywhere

In “The Plastic Problem: PBS NewsHour Presents”, Amna Nawaz and her PBS NewsHour colleagues look at this now ubiquitous material and how it’s impacting the world, why it’s become so prevalent, what’s being done to mitigate its use, and what potential alternatives or solutions are out there.


Natural Environment Promotes Wellbeing & Good Health

A growing body of research of over one thousand studies points to the beneficial effects that a pristine natural environment has on human health and quality of life. Being in nature is just so good for us. When we enter nature we should go quietly, with humility and respect, understanding that we have everything to learn and little, if anything at all, to teach.


Plastic Trash Solution: Produce Less Plastic

Mismanaged plastic trash in dumpsites that is released into the environment presents a range of risks to human and ecological health. Substantial quantities of toxic, greenhouse gasses will continue to be emitted into the environment as plastic trash is openly burned in landfills.


Plastic Pollution: The Circular Economy Myth

Hundreds of millions of tons more plastic pollute our sea, ocean and land environment every year. Plastic pollution is everywhere, killing and endangering wildlife as well as being a serious threat to human health. Plastic particles have been found in soils and sediments, in animal carcasses and in the atmosphere.


Dead Zones in the Oceans, Seas, Lakes and Rivers

Dead zones are exactly that, deadly. They are oxygen-deprived or hypoxic bodies of water. Not much survives in these oceanic deserts as, not surprisingly, marine life needs a constant intake of oxygen to live. Large swaths of ocean habitats that would otherwise be teeming with life become biological wastelands.