children’s health defense

Radiation Health Standards Overhaul Needed

Following the mobile phone boom in the 1990s the exposure of entire populations to Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) continues to increase exponentially. EMFs, are created by Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) in motion through space. It is hypothesised to travel in waves with peaks and troughs. The distance between peaks is called a wavelength. The space around us […]


Meaning and Purpose will Shape our Future

Meaning and Purpose will shape our Future. There is so much wrong with the way that people behave on earth that it is easy to consider us a misfit species or children of an ill-intentioned god. Some say that we are probably not of this earth, alien, and that we do not belong here, that […]


Radiation Health Effects from WiFi & Smartphones

Since the mobile phone boom in the 1990s the exposure of entire populations to Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) continues to increase exponentially. EMFs, also called Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR), are electrically charged space in and around you. People cannot see or hear EMR. It is hypothesised to travel in waves with peaks and troughs. The distance between […]