
The good old Christmas tale

The good old Christmas tale is one to be experienced afresh every year. It strikes an inner chord in many and this is the reason why it has stubbornly persisted across eighty one generations. Whilst it is true that we have heard it recounted many times, we may not have actually paid enough attention to […]


Succumbing to the tyranny of idols

Succumbing to the tyranny of idols: We are what we eat, drink, and do. We are what we think and feel. We are what we believe in. We are all this and more. Describing the collective of what we are in this way gives us a level of understanding. However, in a more fundamental way, […]


Heaven and Hell, Angels and Demons

Heaven and Hell, Angels and Demons – The heavenly realms, are necessarily intimately intertwined with life on Earth. This must be so by the very logic that underlies the belief in creation. What we believe, the narratives we tell ourselves and the tales we tell others are fundamental pillars upon which the edifice of our […]


Brotherhood of Earth Beings – We Are All Connected

Brotherhood of Earth Beings – We Are All Connected: In the beginning the biblical God created the heaven and the earth (Genesis 1.1). He then spent the next four days creating the firmament, day and night, the seasons, the sun and moon, the land and seas, the grasses, herbs and trees and the fowl, fish […]