marine life

Marine Life and Ecosystems in Critical Danger of Collapse

The seas, oceans, lakes, wetlands and rivers and the animals and plants they sustain are under severe stress from overfishing, atmospheric pollution, contaminants pollution, coastal development, invasive species and climate change. Many marine ecosystems are floundering. Others are collapsing. People are causing devastation to the marine life support systems vital for our survival. The WWF […]


Ecosystems Planetary Emergency – Warming Oceans

Planetary Emergency – Ocean Warming – The global ocean has warmed up more and more, year on year, in the last 50 years. Since 1993, the rate of ocean warming has more than doubled. Marine heatwaves have also doubled in frequency since 1982 and are getting hotter. We have polluted and changed the chemistry and temperature of the world’s oceans. This has caused severe stress to marine ecosystems and life.


Biodiversity – Habitat Diversity and Size Matter

Marine biodiversity, and ocean coral reefs in particular, are threatened by acidification, illegal fishing, legal overfishing, agricultural runoff, the spread of algae, excessive silt flowing in the seas and oceans caused by deforestation and dynamite fishing. In fact most of marine life will …