David Marinelli

Mask Mandates are Harmful to Children

Mask Mandates are Harmful to Children: It is reasonable to expect any health related intervention on the public at large to be justified, proportional, undergo a harm-vs-benefit review, be informed and consented to. Where restrictions for health purposes are still considered necessary, they should not be applied equally across entire populations as one size does […]


Digital Detox, Children, Parents and Schools

In her report called ‘The Impact on Mental Health of Children and Young People During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic’ published in July 2021, Sarah Foster, a UK based play and creative art therapist, emphasises that “Those concerned with the over-use of screens and its effects on children’s brain development, mental health and coping abilities […]


Isolation and Loneliness are Harmful

“Human beings are social creatures. Our connection to others enables us to survive and thrive. Yet, as we age, many of us are alone more often, leaving us vulnerable to social isolation and loneliness—and related health problems such as cognitive decline, depression, and heart disease.” This is the central point made in research published by […]


Health Mandates, Children, Parents and Screen Time

In her report called ‘The Impact on Mental Health of Children and Young People During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic’ published in July 2021, Sarah Foster, a UK based play and creative art therapist, noted that children and young people have had an increased exposure to non-ionising radiation as a result of health mandates. Chris […]


Children, Parents and Health Restrictions

“Children and young people’s mental health has been declining throughout the past few decades with little being done to address this. The problems have not gone away but have only intensified under the more recent restrictions and lockdowns. The consensus is that children’s mental health is suffering and depression is increasing.” This is one of […]


The Human Microbiome & the Wilderness Within

We consider natural wilderness to be the wild places in nature and ignore the desolate wilderness that is the urban areas we live in. There is another wilderness hiding in plain sight and that is the wilderness within. Scientists have identified a number of human body systems and more recently, the human microbiome. The skeletal system […]


Mycorrhizal Fungi, How Plants Communicate

Next time you are walking in a forest, woodland or just open countryside on undisturbed fertile ground consider that there is more activity and biodiversity below the ground than what you can see above it. Amongst the vibrant range of lifeforms is a mostly microscopic network of fungi. Fungi are a distinct kingdom from plants. […]


Soils and Life Beneath the Ground

There is more life beneath the ground than you know. Healthy soils contain a vibrant range of life forms such as protozoa, nematodes, mites, springtails, spiders, insects, bacteria, fungi, earthworms and numerous burrowing animals. This rich biodiversity plays a vital role in mitigating climate change, neutralising pests, purifying and storing water, providing antibiotics and preventing […]


Wilding Nature and the Rewilding of People

Wilding encompasses conservation and goes beyond it. We do still need to remove human infrastructure, regenerate the soils and sediments; clean up human pollution and contamination; introduce indigenous plants, animals and landscapes that were present before human intervention. Beyond this point it is all about protecting the land and marine areas being wilded, allowing natural […]


Bees extinction driven by pesticides

A recent review of 90 international studies has shown that the toxic impact on bees and other pollinators of agricultural pesticide has doubled in a decade despite a fall in the amount of pesticide used. The reason for this is that the new pesticides contain multiple chemicals. Dr Harry Siviter, from the University of Texas, […]