David Marinelli

Chinese paddlefish – Extinct 2010

The Chinese paddlefish is now extinct. It existed before flowering plants, bamboo and the pandas. It reached three metres in length. They could weigh up to 300kg and managed to survive the 5th mass extinction of life on Earth that occurred 66 million years ago. The Chinese paddlefish and its ancestors had been around for 150 million years


In nature we are not alone

We are not alone in nature – We are singlehandedly driving the sixth mass extinction of life on Earth, exterminating nature both on land and in the oceans. We say that we believe in compassionate and wise Gods and yet day-in-day-out we slave for the god of economic growth, overexploiting the Earth’s resources and bringing the end of days closer and closer to our grandchildren’s future.


Ecosystems Planetary Emergency – Warming Oceans

Planetary Emergency – Ocean Warming – The global ocean has warmed up more and more, year on year, in the last 50 years. Since 1993, the rate of ocean warming has more than doubled. Marine heatwaves have also doubled in frequency since 1982 and are getting hotter. We have polluted and changed the chemistry and temperature of the world’s oceans. This has caused severe stress to marine ecosystems and life.


Vaquita are Critically Endangered – Less Than 19 Left

The Vaquita is a species of porpoise endemic and only existing in the northern part of the Gulf of California. An adult Vaquita weighs in at about 43kg and is between 1.2 mtrs and 1.5 mtrs long. The word Vaquita is Spanish for “little cow”. The Vaquita has been …


Asiatic Cheetah – Less Than 50 Left

The Asiatic Cheetah, also called the Persian Cheetah, is a Critically Endangered cheetah subspecies. Asiatic cheetahs are today only found in Iran. They once roamed a much larger territory ranging from the Arabian Peninsula and the Near East to the Caspian region, Kyzylkum Desert, Pakistan and India.


Forest Ecosystems, NOT Technology, is what we need

It is commonplace when talking about sustainability to claim that technological innovation can save the world from our actions. I do not believe that at all. Our over dependence on technology has enslaved us and is destroying forest ecosystems and the Earth’s ability to support that which all species need to survive. Technology takes us further and further away from nature. Nature is our home.


Home – Nature is Speaking – Reese Witherspoon

I am home, I give you comfort, I shelter your family, See me for who I am, home sweet home, I am your refuge
I am the flora that supports you, The foundation that keeps you steady, The walls that give you shelter, The roof that protects you, I am your home, If you don’t take care of me, I …


Trees, Nature’s Solution to Combat Global Warming

‘The restoration of trees remains among the most effective strategies for climate change mitigation.’ This is the opening line of a report called ‘The Global Tree Restoration Potential’ published in July this year in the Science journal. The study measures the cover of the forest canopy rather than the area of …


Forest: Nature is Speaking, Shailene Woodley is Forest

One third of the Earth’s surface is covered by forest. Forests are symbolized by the colour green. There are many reasons why forests are an important feature for the environment and in our daily lives. They are fundamental life forms and provide for the continuity of the world’s biodiversity.


Plants Extinction – Sleepwalking Towards Catastrophe

Any proper understanding of the current extinction crisis must include plants. Species on Earth exist in a symbiotic relationship. Extinction causes go across biological kingdoms. Plant extinctions cause insect extinctions that in turn cause amphibian and bird extinctions that feed into the extinction rates of mammals.