
Brotherhood of Earth Beings – We Are All Connected

Brotherhood of Earth Beings – We Are All Connected: In the beginning the biblical God created the heaven and the earth (Genesis 1.1). He then spent the next four days creating the firmament, day and night, the seasons, the sun and moon, the land and seas, the grasses, herbs and trees and the fowl, fish […]


Mass Formation – Life is not complicated, we are

Mass Formation – Life is not complicated, we are. Astrophysicist Hubert Reeves once said “Man is a most insane species. He worships an invisible God and destroys a visible Nature, unaware that this Nature he is destroying is this God he is worshiping.” It is as clear as crystal that nature is life and life is […]


Life not for Sale: Pricing Life for Economic Growth

Life is not a commodity. A number of reports by the UN, Greenpeace International and the WWF refer to humanity’s exploitation of the natural world as ‘ecosystem services’ and to the living elements that make up these ecosystems as ‘resources’. These reports still speak of sustainable economic growth which remains a contradiction in terms. Perpetual […]


Marine Life and Ecosystems in Critical Danger of Collapse

The seas, oceans, lakes, wetlands and rivers and the animals and plants they sustain are under severe stress from overfishing, atmospheric pollution, contaminants pollution, coastal development, invasive species and climate change. Many marine ecosystems are floundering. Others are collapsing. People are causing devastation to the marine life support systems vital for our survival. The WWF […]


Biodiversity Emergency – Planet Earth is Broken

Biodiversity emergency. This is a moment of truth for people and planet alike. COVID and climate have brought us to a threshold. We cannot go back to the old normal of inequality, injustice and heedless dominion over the Earth.


Meat Eating is Driving the Extinction of Life on Earth

Crops that would otherwise feed billions of people are fed to industrially reared animals that we then consume as meat or for their skin or fur. Every day wild habitats are being converted to make way for more industrial agriculture to feed livestock to satisfy our carnivorous appetite, but not only.


Plastic Garbage: Wake Up and Smell the Oil

The investigation revealed that the industry’s and policymakers’ claims that plastic garbage is valuable because it can be cleaned, separated and recycled were, and still are, lies. Plastic waste is not valuable and it never has been and the industry has known this all along, at least since the early 1970s. Of all plastic produced less than 10 percent has ever been recycled.


Plastic Pollution: The Circular Economy Myth

Hundreds of millions of tons more plastic pollute our sea, ocean and land environment every year. Plastic pollution is everywhere, killing and endangering wildlife as well as being a serious threat to human health. Plastic particles have been found in soils and sediments, in animal carcasses and in the atmosphere.


Earth Magnetic Field is a Protective Shield

(5 min read) One of the reasons why the Earth is a habitable planet that is friendly to human life is because the Earth magnetic field shelters the planet from the harmful radiation coming from the sun, called the solar winds.