
The Way to Peace

The western world has become a cosmopolitan, incoherent mayhem of cultures. This is the chaos in which dark forces thrive. All cultures need to develop and deepen their traditions and for this purpose they need their own time and space. This gives each culture identity, community and a sense of belonging that comes from shared […]


Meaning and Purpose will Shape our Future

Meaning and Purpose will shape our Future. There is so much wrong with the way that people behave on earth that it is easy to consider us a misfit species or children of an ill-intentioned god. Some say that we are probably not of this earth, alien, and that we do not belong here, that […]


Home – Nature is Speaking – Reese Witherspoon

I am home, I give you comfort, I shelter your family, See me for who I am, home sweet home, I am your refuge
I am the flora that supports you, The foundation that keeps you steady, The walls that give you shelter, The roof that protects you, I am your home, If you don’t take care of me, I …