
The Secular Belief Conundrum

It is interesting to note that the word secular has no meaning in and of itself. It is mostly defined as the absence of a religious or spiritual orientation, the lack of a moral code encompassing a transcendental meaning and purpose. Everybody has some sort of overall view of the world as being a good […]


Meaning and Purpose will Shape our Future

Meaning and Purpose will shape our Future. There is so much wrong with the way that people behave on earth that it is easy to consider us a misfit species or children of an ill-intentioned god. Some say that we are probably not of this earth, alien, and that we do not belong here, that […]


The Christmas parable – a gift of empathy

The Christmas parable: Stories are a greater part of our lives than we imagine. Author Patrick Rothfuss wrote “Everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head. Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are. We build ourselves out of that story.” We all love stories. They are the moments we […]