This is the Story of Your Life

This is the story of your life – We sense it when we sit alone, something is not right with life. There is a truth to be known but we cannot put our finger on it. There is a veiled reality beckoning us, just beyond our perception. The histories of the peoples of the world […]


Life is a Spiritual Journey

Life is a spiritual journey. We are quite accustomed to being alive and are adept at manipulating the physical aspects of life. Our scientific endeavours have produced complex tools and gadgets. This we have managed to achieve by observing the properties and behaviour of physicality in order to discern patterns that we can then exploit. […]


Radiation Health Standards Overhaul Needed

Following the mobile phone boom in the 1990s the exposure of entire populations to Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) continues to increase exponentially. EMFs, are created by Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) in motion through space. It is hypothesised to travel in waves with peaks and troughs. The distance between peaks is called a wavelength. The space around us […]


Freedom: The Truth Shall Make Us Free

Freedom is not the absence of restraint, a free-for-all. Freedom is when we realise our true meaning and purpose and its boundless possibilities. “Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed in him, If you continue in my Word , then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth […]


Peace and the Dawn of a New Beginning

The ancient Chinese Taoist philosopher Lao Tzu is credited with saying “New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings”. Although we do not consciously seek pain, it nonetheless finds its way to us. As bad as it may seem, it is useful to acknowledge that we have created it and it is more than likely […]


Meaning and Purpose will Shape our Future

Meaning and Purpose will shape our Future. There is so much wrong with the way that people behave on earth that it is easy to consider us a misfit species or children of an ill-intentioned god. Some say that we are probably not of this earth, alien, and that we do not belong here, that […]


Wisdom of the elders, young people and chaos

If by some miracle I could choose to be young again, I would say ok, maybe, but I would first ask whether I could take my mind back in time with me. Herein lies the conundrum. I really would not have the appetite to repeat all those blunders and having to relearn my accumulated wisdom […]


Humanity, Survival and the Way of Truth

Humanity emerged into an earth with the highest biodiversity ever, sustained within largely cooperative ecosystems. These ecosystems had evolved over hundreds of millions of years to exist in homeostasis that is a dynamic balance of collaborative harmony with a minimum of controlled conflict. Within such a milieu both the individual and the community found meaningful […]


Is Being Happy the Goal of Life?

My 1985 edition of the Pocket Oxford Dictionary defines ‘Happy’ as “feeling or showing pleasure or contentment; fortunate of words or behaviour, apt, pleasing, satisfactory, avoidance of extremes.” The term a ‘happy medium’ points towards a balanced view or outcome. Although the actual meaning of the word happy is more nuanced than the more superficial […]


Heaven and Hell, Angels and Demons

Heaven and Hell, Angels and Demons – The heavenly realms, are necessarily intimately intertwined with life on Earth. This must be so by the very logic that underlies the belief in creation. What we believe, the narratives we tell ourselves and the tales we tell others are fundamental pillars upon which the edifice of our […]